
Who is GulleMan?

Short answer - If I just knew....! 

Long answer - I think I am not going to figure this question out, ever. But I can declare a bunch of facts that might help to understand.

I was born 1974 in Munich (Earth) into a family of taxi drivers. Although I, too, had my brief stance in this industry, I soon figured I should take another road for my carreer. 

In the end I became the IT guy, and still am. What kind of person I've become is something to judge for people that actually know me.

For what it's worth, I am not into judging people myself. So here's some random facts about GulleMan.... 😉

I am....

  • a husband (and an ex-husband)
  • a father
  • a brother
  • a son, grandson, uncle and nephew
  • a casual poker player
  • a musician, singer, songwriter, pianist
  • an enthusiastic guitar player
  • a friend, and a bff
  • a brother in law
  • an atheist; in fact I am anti-theist
  • a lover, and not a fighter
  • a colleague
  • a dreamer 
  • a bullshit hater
  • tbc.

Some distinct people out there might use less favourable adjectives for describing me, but aye - everybody is entitled to their opinion :-)

Here is my Youtube Channel: GulleManMusic and my Twitter / X feed.

GulleMan Logo

Coming next is a working document on things or people I love. It will be updated regularly and never reach 1.0 state. The order of things does NOT indicate importance. (Except #1)

So, that's everything I love.... (unfinished list)

1) My wife. Dating her since 2011. Overall, my favourite person.

- Bill Murray - the coolest man on earth.

- Barack Obama - in terms of cool, second to Bill.

- My fam. All of them. In particular, my Mum and my Nephew.

- My piano. No further explanation needed.

- My wealth of close friends. There's many. I'm blessed.

- Freedom. Having spent 10 years in "exile" is giving you perspective.

- My life-time visa to New Zealand. I can return there any day.

- My in-laws. Almost all of them.

- My God children. All four of them. They are the "herd" of my ex-brother-in-law, and yet, they love me, and my wife.

- Financial backing. Literally priceless.

- Lang Lang. The guy who plays it right. These days.

- Jazz Piano - the ultimate standard. Nothing less will ever be acceptable to me, for me.

- Elon Musk. Tesla. Starlink. Boring Company. Space X. OpenAI (incl. ChatGPT).

- Konrad Adenauer.

- Ricky Gervais. Undoubtably the most genius screen creator of all time. (Do watch "Derek" !!!)

- Munich, Germany. And Wellington, New Zealand. (as a place to live)

- A great view from where you live. (And my brother in-law beats them all!)

- Working as a taxi driver in the city of Munich. As a side-gig.

- The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

- The Snakepit. As a poker venue, in Lower Hutt, New Zealand.

- Sir Pat Stewart and everything with the words "Star Trek" in it.

- Elementary, the TV Series. 

- The Big Bang Theory. Especially Leonard's character, who I can identify most with myself.

- Two and a half men. Hilarious!

- Working for the good cause. E.g. serving a kindergarten was way more rewarding than serving a bank can ever be.

- Mentors. All of them. 

- Mercedes W114 Coupe (Link to Wikipedia). Ideally in electric. Budget and some outstanding luck permitting, this might be my daily driver once! One needs goals in their lives.

- tbc.