Life as a draft
You were still a child when your parents decided to not stopping being a bunch of dickheads. They blamed you for acting weird, sent you to doctors and psychiatrists only to not listening to them when they stated you were just reacting normally... to the continued fighting of your parents. To this point your life was still a draft, whilst your parents followed their dreams.
A significant change of life and scenery should have made things new, and better, and solve all the problems. But what was really needed was a change of thinking, priorities and focus on the one we love most. We failed. To this point your life was still a draft, whilst your parents kept following their dreams.
The highlight in their failure occurred when you were just eleven year old. Your parents found the exit from everbody’s nightmare and went through it, with all due disrespect for your wellbeing. They parted, and to this point your life was still a draft, whilst your parents followed their dreams.
Since then I sadly lost track of what is happening with you. I tried to be a part of your life, and failed miserably. But at least I managed to get my life sorted and my priorities right. Still, I missed out to be there for you and will ever only blame myself. I realised, to this point, MY life was still a draft, whilst you only got to have dreams.
I sincerely hope the damage I caused is not in the way for you to become a happy person anyway. Following your dreams is important, having an eye on the right priorities and the true reality of things, is essential. I learned this lesson far too late, and you paid for it. Today I can only beg you to forgive me, but I will understand if you won’t.
Until then, my life will stay a draft, whilst I am hoping that you are following your dreams.
I love you, my daughter, and will forever.
From your Dad.